Loan broker Automating the collection of customer information and control the work of employees


The task


The client planned to open credit bureaus network. He wanted to automate and unify the process of customers information collection. Thus it would be easier for him to cooperate with his partner banks.


The result


The created «Crebro» system has allowed to control clients worksheets processing and staff working process.

Main features of the system:

  • Unify standards for registration of documents in the organization;
  • Customer profiles and loan stories transfer between bureaus (CRM);
  • Integration of the client's web-site and the system " Krebro". The data sent by the user via a web form are automatically entered in the system's database;
  • Statistics for analytical marketing work;
  • Staff working time recording;
  • Configurable rights and rules;
  • General chat.

Regarding supervision of staff the system allows the head to analyze who, where and when did any operation and how many time did he spend in the system.